Friday, January 14, 2011

Winter Weather 2011...

Oh to be cooped up in the house for a week. It has its ups and downs. I have gotten an amazing amount of work done around the house, for my classroom, and the crafting has begun. Josh and I have been struggling since October to figure out things to do to decorate our bedroom. When Josh bought me my new bedspread and sheets for my birthday that are perfectly my favorite shade of yellow, I knew that I wanted splashes of color all over the room. 

While I am still on the search for an awesome colorful rug, some decorations for the dresser and an awesome mirror (because as of right now I have no mirror in my room), I have stolen an idea from my best friend to do yo-yo art. I LOVE it!! I can sit here and watch my new favorite show and work on these adorable crafts. I am so excited to finally have a direction to go with in decorating our room. Josh is excited! I love the fabric I have chosen so much. I even bought fabric that would work perfectly in my living room. I have no idea what I am going to do with them yet; maybe more yo-yos, maybe something else. 

I wish I had this much time all the time to work on things for our home, but knowing I would get cabin fever eventually I will look forward to spring break and summer in order to make more wonderful things for my house. 

On another note, my mother-in-law has a huge case of buttons and she is letting me use them for my crafting. Maybe I will be adding some to my yo-yos, maybe a remodel of something else. I could get used to this. 

Here are a few pictures of my fabric choices and my crafting thus far today! So much fun! I will definitely post a picture of my finished product!


  1. Very cute! I love your fabric. I can't wait to see what you do with them!

  2. oooh i'm so excited for you! those colors are so you!!! i especially love that blue!! it's going to look so cute when you're done. i want to see a picture for sure!

  3. Love those colors! We are making the yo-yo quilt wall hanging to match our kitchen which is yellow and blue!
